Download this week’s free Healthy Weekly Meal Plan with Grocery List. You get 5 dinner recipes, 1 breakfast, 1 smoothie, and 1 healthy treat. All recipes are gluten free. Enjoy!

Plate of chicken with carrots on a white plate. Text overlay: Weekly Meal Plan No, 1
Healthy Gluten Free Weekly Meal Plan No. 1

With the holidays behind us (and 2020 too-hurrah!), I thought it would be fun to put together some new weekly dinner meal plans with grocery lists for you.

While I have shared weekly dinner plans in the past, with links to recipes, these weekly meal plans are in a PDF format and include a grocery list.

In addition to 5 dinner recipes, you’ll also get 1 new breakfast recipe, 1 new smoothie recipe, and 1 new “healthyish” dessert recipe to try each week.

Most recipes are for 4 people, which is reflected in the grocery list. Scale up or down as needed.

In addition to being gluten free, many of the recipes feature vegetables and/or fruit, gut friendly foods, and most are designed to be pretty darn easy to cook too. Yay!

Healthy Weekly Meal Plan with Grocery List No. 1

Gluten free Healthy Meal Plan with Grocery List  Cover Image is a plate of chicken with carrots.

5 Dinner Recipes

  1. Quick and Easy One Pot Lasagna Soup + Orange Slices
  2. One Pan Chicken & Carrots with Orange Soy Glaze
  3. Sticky Sesame Salmon w/ Orange Sauce + Winter Kale Salad
  4. Tofu & Broccoli Green Curry + Brown Rice
  5. Spinach, Tomato, and Goat Cheese Pizza



  • Butternut Squash Smoothie


  • Cranberry Apple Oat Crisp

Easy Meal Prep Tips

  • Purchase frozen cauliflower & butternut squash for the smoothie.
  • Buy a bunch of bananas, peel and cut into smaller pieces, lay out on a tray lined with parchment paper, freeze, then store in a well sealed freezer container for frozen bananas when you need them!
  • Wash and dry kale as soon as you bring it home.
  • Use grain free Siete Tortillas, if desired, in place of the brown rice tortillas for the pizza.
  • Save time by using pre-cut baby carrots in the One Pan Chicken with Carrots & Orange Soy Glaze
  • Make extras of any of the recipes to enjoy for lunch the next day!

Click the button below to download your healthy weekly meal plan with grocery list!

Let’s Chat! Please let me know if you like these meal plans with grocery lists. If so, I will try to create weekly dinner meal plans more regularly. And, if you’re looking for any specific recipe ideas or meal prep tips, leave a comment and let me know.

Looking for more health meal planning resources?

P.S. If you enjoyed this post and meal plan, please consider sharing via social media or forwarding to your friends. Thanks so much!